About Me

My name is Audrey. I run a nature travel blog for those who would rather spend PTO/vacation time being outdoors over the hustle and bustle of overcrowded cities. My mission is to encourage people to spend more time outside. To see the natural beauty of this planet while helping you plan your trip. My blog posts covers places to stay, things to do and various activities. They also contain important planning information to know before you arrive at your destination. I am very detail-oriented and I love researching which makes travel blogging a perfect niche for me.

Like many people, I have loved hiking, camping and being outside from a young age. But unlike other bloggers, this nature travel blog is specifically for natural spaces and things related to those places. Meaning as fun and wonderful as these things are, I don’t write about cities and their activities. I don’t cover restaurants, festivals or concerts unless it somehow has something to do with a natural space.

What is a natural space?

I define a natural space as a geographical feature that has not been or has been minimally modified by humans. So anything from national and state parks, nature reserves, natural monuments and protected landscapes are the exact thing that I long to explore in the most eco-friendly and sustainable way possible.

My Background

What good is an “About Me” page without an origin story? I was born in and grew up in Oregon City, Oregon. Like every travel blogger out there, I’ve always wanted to see the world. My family didn’t have much money growing up which meant there was no such thing as a family vacation.

When I was outside playing on my dead end street, I could hang out with the neighborhood kids. I was able to explore the natural world around me even in the suburbs. As I grew older, I would hike with my dad throughout various places in the Columbia River Gorge or in my all time favorite park, Silver Falls State Park. Seeing the natural phenomena- the mountains, the waterfalls, the rivers, the flora and fauna- helped me see how strong and powerful yet caring and giving our natural world can be. I seek sanctuary in these natural spaces. Not just because of the obviously stunning beauty but because of how much we can learn about ourselves, learn about the world and learn how to protect it.

How I Got Here

As a child I had longed for what most average families do which was to travel together and make memories. In 2018 we left Oregon to do a little road trip through California for a wedding. While it was only a week long, we had a great time seeing the landscape of rural California. However, this would be the only family trip that we ever took together with the three of us.

My mother passed away in January just 11 days before my birthday. The feeling of grief is like no other. There are no words that can be said to someone to make it any easier. I again sought sanctuary in the natural world, though no amount of walking and hiking could bring back my mom. Her death put into perspective for me how life is not a guarantee. My mom was only 60 when she passed which for most, is retirement age. I couldn’t stand the thought of myself having to put off full time traveling until my hair was grayed, only having an annual vacation to look forward to. For me, I can’t experience the world this way. I may not even live until I’m 60. So I’m changing that by creating this nature travel blog.

My Values

My parents and my upbringing taught me the value of working hard. I studied hard to graduate from college and worked hard to get accepted into graduate school. This blog won’t be any different. Our Earth’s natural spaces offer peace, tranquility and space for healing and everyone should be able to visit them whether they are minutes from your home or halfway across the world. I want to promote peace among nature and encourage people to visit these natural places because they center us and help remind us where we come from. This blog is also for my mom. It’s for the places she never got to see so now I’m living for me and I’m living for her too. I hope you made it this far and that you’ll join me as I discover more of the natural world to share with you all.

If you’re curious about where I’ve been so far, take a look at my blog page to read on places to stay, things to do and what to bring for your outdoor adventures!